The “On The Move” Blog

Les 5 Meilleures Randonnées Abordables au Canada pour une Aventure Automnale Inoubliable

The 5 Best Affordable Hikes in Canada for an Unforgettable Fall Adventure

Fall is a magical season in Canada, where the landscapes are adorned with flamboyant colours, offering a breathtaking natural spectacle. For outdoor and hiking enthusiasts,...

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Voyager Intelligemment : Les Astuces pour un Budget de Voyage Parfait

Travel Smart: Tips for a Perfect Travel Budget

Discover how to effectively plan your travel budget with our detailed tips for each spending category, including transportation, accommodation and food. Learn how to save...

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AIRBNB OU HÔTEL ? La question se pose !

AIRBNB OR HOTEL? The question arises!

Hotels offer amenities, added security, and loyalty programs, ideal for short stays or business trips, while Airbnbs offer a more local and budget-friendly experience, perfect...

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Comment bien choisir avec qui voyager ?

How to choose who to travel with?

Traveling with good company can enhance the experience, while choosing the wrong one can ruin the trip. For a festive trip, choose a sociable and...

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L'art de faire sa valise

The art of packing

This article was written by Roseline Bertrand from the University of Sherbrooke.

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Voyager léger : les avantages et nos meilleurs conseils

Traveling light: the advantages and our best advice

This article was written by Roseline Bertrand from the University of Sherbrooke.

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